Friday, June 24, 2011

It's never too late

We have been failed before, eventhough we already do our best and pray with all our hearts. And after that the things that come from our minds are "we're a failure", "i'll never make it", "God didn't answer my pray", etc. All that things, it's wrong! And i finally come to my senses, we already pray with all our hearts, and we still failed, it doesn't mean God didn't answer our pray, maybe the problem is our wishes. It's not the right thing for us and maybe God has his own way for us to make us into a better person or a better life. So, don't you ever give up to God. And eventhough we think that we're do our best, and we're still failed, that means, our effort it's not good enough to reach our goal and we still can do better. Trust me!
Remember, failure is the start to a success. It's never too late!Be a CHAMPION!!!

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